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Every Business is in the Entertainment Business


Does the word “professional” excite you? Have you ever pointed out a movie theater or a restaurant to a friend because they were professional?

No one recommends a business because they’re professional. They recommend businesses because they’re interesting—because they’re fun, crazy, weird, unique, or bizarre. Good businesses give customers talking points by doing things different and making them feel good.

Professional is boring. If you play it safe, you’re dead.

We have a responsibility to entertain our customers. If you’re all about selling and nothing more, you’re going to lose out eventually.

I’m not saying your business needs to throw in song and dance numbers, balloon animals, and confetti. We do, but I get it if that special flavor of crazy isn’t your style, I get it.

That doesn’t mean you can’t make it fun and memorable. Think about your company and how people buy from you. Think about how you can liven up your process so when your customers walk out, they’re telling their friends,

“Hey, I bought a copier from so-and-so company. It was so much fun. This is what happened…”

The way I see it, you have two choices: Be stagnant, keep doing your thing, and eventually fade away. Or, accept that “fun” and “professional” aren’t mutually exclusive terms. They’re complimentary.

Personally, I’d rather go to an accountant that gets a little weird. That way, I know they’re relatable, authentic, and probably more committed to doing a good job.


You already know a little bit about what we do at Fans First Entertainment to, you know, keep the fans first and entertained. We have to be on our game all day, every day. From when the first fan calls at 8:00 a.m. to when our fans leave around 10:30 p.m., every e ort and every interaction is designed to get someone to say, “Hey, that was fun,” as they walk out the gates.

And that’s just at the ballpark. In truth, we have to enter- tain year-round to keep people interested and coming back. Our fans aren’t buying baseball. They’re buying fun. That means we have to look at what we’re doing with merchandise, with promotions around town, or with digital engagement, like movies and photos.

The key is to look at everything you touch with your business.  How does it make people feel? Is it entertaining? Does it surprise and delight?

Professional is boring. Weird wins. Never stop entertaining.