Blog 11 – What’s Your Story?
It’s amazing how fast stories travel. Shortly after our first season in Savannah, I began to share the real story of our first season with the Bananas.
It started at a small town hall meeting. I shared the truth about our challenges. How the team ran out of money. How Emily and I had to sell our house. How we lived on an air bed in a tiny one bedroom. How we emptied out our savings accounts and went all in to save the team.
After that first speech the story spread. We started getting asked to speak everywhere in town. While wearing the Yellow Tux of course. Then the news started calling. We started doing even more interviews.
It was crazy. Our story really connected with people. Unbelievable failure and then amazing success.
This is just one story of our life. But it proved the power of story. People are fascinated by stories. And if it’s a great story, they will share it with everyone.
This past year was just a chapter in our book. But it was a pretty good story.
What’s your story?
Are you proud of it?
We all have the ability to change our story. But first we have to think about it. And then we have to act on it.
Your story could stand out. It could inspire others. It could make a huge difference in people’s lives.
But only if you start living your story. And don’t worry about failures, they only make the story better.